Archived Save the Train forum articles - 2005 to 2010. See below
FGW says sorry to its users - 1195/3415 Written by Graz on Wednesday, 24th January 2007
This seemed like an obligatory thing...and much of it is same old, but there may be a light at the end of the tunnel from this...
Edit: This may be on Points West tonight, and it mentions Graham's petition with a link. If there is a story shown on this- with a petition address- we could be passing the 1,000 mark very soon!
Re: FGW says sorry to its users - 1195/3417 Written by Lee on Wednesday, 24th January 2007
Thats a national (rather than local) link , Graz.
Re: FGW says sorry to its users - 1195/3418 Written by Graz on Wednesday, 24th January 2007
I found the link from the Bristol page on Points West, though ;) it's the top story, so fingers crossed!
Re: FGW says sorry to its users - 1195/3419 Written by Lee on Wednesday, 24th January 2007
[quote author=Lee link=topic=1195.msg3417#msg3417 date=1169657512]Thats a national (rather than local) link , Graz.[/quote]
I'm not saying thats a bad thing , far from it..... ;D
Re: FGW says sorry to its users - 1195/3421 Written by Lee on Wednesday, 24th January 2007
The full FGW statement can be found in the link below. http://www.firstgreatwestern.co.uk/NewsItem.aspx?id=427
Re: FGW says sorry to its users - 1195/3428 Written by courgettelawn on Wednesday, 24th January 2007
This might be a standard response but I think it is a small but significant triumph compared with the ambivalence with whicn FGW dealt with the earliest complaints back in December.
Let's keep the pressure up.
Re: FGW says sorry to its users - 1195/3430 Written by Steve Bray on Wednesday, 24th January 2007
And Glenda Lamont has also written a letter under the heading "Wednesday 14 January"
When was that date?
Re: FGW says sorry to its users - 1195/3435 Written by Graz on Wednesday, 24th January 2007
BBC Points West had a story about FGW's apology just now, but no mention of our petition.
I'll give them a ring tomorrow to see if they'll mention it ;)
Re: FGW says sorry to its users - 1195/3436 Written by bubblecat on Wednesday, 24th January 2007
Yep, just saw the Point West report.
It stated that FGW were going to hire another 8 carriages. The question of the dire service was bought up in Priminister's Question Time, where Tony stated that he was "aware" of the situation and "pleased" that FGW were taking measures.
Interestingly I think this brings up more questions. What exactly IS the commitement from FGW and the Government to local transport systems and are the current rules and regs in place impeding a system already confused and suffering from a prelonged period of underinvestment?
IF the Government wants a greener society then there should be a plan in place to make this happen. IF the railways are half-privatised and half not, does this really lead to a more efficient and effective service?
Even IF FGW manage to sort out overcrowding on the Bath to Bristol stretch I think this whole situation highllights the over all problems that this company has with this franchise. There would appear to be NO plans to buy new trains, there would appear to be NO plan to improve on the timetable, there also appears to be NO plan to open MORE stations. This is what should be happening to our railway system, the real quesiton is why ever not?
Re: FGW says sorry to its users - 1195/3446 Written by Steve35 on Wednesday, 24th January 2007
[quote author=bubblecat link=topic=1195.msg3436#msg3436 date=1169664565] Even IF FGW manage to sort out overcrowding on the Bath to Bristol stretch I think this whole situation highllights the over all problems that this company has with this franchise. There would appear to be NO plans to buy new trains, there would appear to be NO plan to improve on the timetable, there also appears to be NO plan to open MORE stations. This is what should be happening to our railway system, the real quesiton is why ever not? [/quote] Because the organisational structure of the industry that was put in place at Privatisation has resulted in huge cost escalations. The industry now costs 5 times what it cost to run the nationalised British Rail. So the reason there are no plans for major improvements is simply because it is just too expensive. Instead we have to make do with what we've got. If the government wants to sort things out it needs to come up with a better structure for the industry that has lower running costs. Then there'd be some spare money to spend on improvements. But I suspect reorganising the industry is probably on the 'too difficult' pile.
Re: FGW says sorry to its users - 1195/3479 Written by Lee on Thursday, 25th January 2007
Western Daily Press & Bristol Evening Post articles (links below.) http://www.westpress.co.uk/displayNode.jsp?nodeId=145786&command=displayContent&sourceNode=200219&home=yes&more_nodeId1=145789&contentPK=16486816
Re: FGW says sorry to its users - 1195/3483 Written by Nick Field on Thursday, 25th January 2007
Gazette and Herald article:
Re: FGW says sorry to its users - 1195/3485 Written by Lee on Thursday, 25th January 2007
Quote :
"What do you think of the train service from your station? Add your comments below."
Re: FGW says sorry to its users - 1195/3488 Written by Lee on Thursday, 25th January 2007
Bath Chronicle Article :
Re: FGW says sorry to its users - 1195/3493 Written by bubblecat on Thursday, 25th January 2007
[quote author=Steve35 link=topic=1195.msg3446#msg3446 date=1169674067] Because the organisational structure of the industry that was put in place at Privatisation has resulted in huge cost escalations. The industry now costs 5 times what it cost to run the nationalised British Rail. So the reason there are no plans for major improvements is simply because it is just too expensive. Instead we have to make do with what we've got. If the government wants to sort things out it needs to come up with a better structure for the industry that has lower running costs. Then there'd be some spare money to spend on improvements. But I suspect reorganising the industry is probably on the 'too difficult' pile. [/quote]
So, basically what we are looking at is a humoungous balls up via privatisation? How on earth does something cost something one day - and then cost something else the next?
Sorry, I know I am off topic here. It's just for a newbie to the situation I am still trying to work my way through the hows and whys!
Re: FGW says sorry to its users - 1195/3494 Written by Sion Bretton on Thursday, 25th January 2007
what about this
Season Ticket offer
A long week at work making you tense and tired? Want to spend more time with friends and family?
Shouldn't of say A long week useing FGW trains making you tense and tired? Want to spend more time with friends and family? ;D
Re: FGW says sorry to its users - 1195/3509 Written by Lee on Friday, 26th January 2007
I see Sion's comments made it into Gazette and Herald article......
Re: FGW says sorry to its users - 1195/3543 Written by Lee on Sunday, 28th January 2007
[quote author=bubblecat link=topic=1195.msg3493#msg3493 date=1169752421] [quote author=Steve35 link=topic=1195.msg3446#msg3446 date=1169674067] Because the organisational structure of the industry that was put in place at Privatisation has resulted in huge cost escalations. The industry now costs 5 times what it cost to run the nationalised British Rail. So the reason there are no plans for major improvements is simply because it is just too expensive. Instead we have to make do with what we've got. If the government wants to sort things out it needs to come up with a better structure for the industry that has lower running costs. Then there'd be some spare money to spend on improvements. But I suspect reorganising the industry is probably on the 'too difficult' pile. [/quote]
So, basically what we are looking at is a humoungous balls up via privatisation? How on earth does something cost something one day - and then cost something else the next?
Sorry, I know I am off topic here. It's just for a newbie to the situation I am still trying to work my way through the hows and whys![/quote]
You may find this article useful (link below.) http://www.rmtbristol.org.uk/2007/01/the_runaway_privatised_train_o.html
Re: FGW says sorry to its users - 1195/3544 Written by Steve Bray on Sunday, 28th January 2007
This is part of Alison Forster's letter...
"It is clear that we underestimated demand for our train services and too much capacity was removed from the timetable we implemented in December."
Yet, when the franchise bidding was being made, First assured us that one reason why they were so perfect for the franchise was "their local knowledge". Obviously not. And do they ever do market research? do they do headcounts on trains? This is an admission of total incompetence on their part and is indefensible.
I have also taken other gems off their website under the "Franchise" heading, just to see how far from reality First are....
"Our immediate priorities are to ensure a smooth integration of the three franchises; introduce a new Timetable in December 2006; and deliver service improvements for our customers as early as possible.
Our vision is to be the leading train company and our customers
link to index of articles
Save the Train was the campaign to bring an approriate train service back to and through Melksham.
Most big contributors are still around writing at the Coffee shop forum where new members are very welcome.
The train has been saved - sort of - we have stepped back up from an unusable service to a poorish one but it's doing very well. We did that through setting up the TransWilts Community Rail Partnership. That fulfilled its early objectives; it has been taken over by local and regional government types who are now doing medium and long term work. The team from this forun can also be found at the Melksham Rail User Group (which was the Melksham Rail Development Group at the time these articles were written and we had no users.
We mustn't loose sight, though, that the train service remains poor and needs our community support in marketing and campaigning to keep it going in a positive direction ... and all the more so when we're expecting to find a different normallity once we get out of the Coronavirus Pandemic and head for zero carbon via the climate crisis. Yes, it's saved ... it's now a key community facility ... the need for enhancement and the strong and near-universal local support remain, and the rail industry and goverment remain slow to move and provide the enhancements even to level us up with other towns. Please support the Melksham Rail User Group - now very much in partnership rather than protest with the rail industry and local government, including GWR, TransWilts and unitary and town councils. And please use the trains and buses, and cycle and walk when you can.
-- Graham Ellis, (webmaster), February 2021
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