Save the Melksham Train
Archived Save the Train forum articles - 2005 to 2010. See below
A future for Melksham Station - 1139/3267
Written by admin (Graham Ellis) on Saturday, 20th January 2007

Sterling work has done towards the end of last year to safeguard land at the station.

Re: A future for Melksham Station - 1139/3498
Written by admin (Graham Ellis) on Friday, 26th January 2007

Here's another idea - and one that we can probably get done quite quickly and with local support - how about a decent sign board at the station that says "Welcome to Melksham" and directs people towards the town.  Pride of town, etc.

Havin a chat with folks last night and we could probably - quite easily - get local sponsorship / funding from various groups.

A question arises. Is this madness with such a poor service?  No - it's a local statement of commitment to the train service and to getting it properly restored and it's a local statement of pride in Melksham.

Feedback anyone?

Re: A future for Melksham Station - 1139/3500
Written by Nick Field on Friday, 26th January 2007

I dont think it's a mad idea.  It would show that people do care about their station and its service, and a commitment from one side might help drive a bit more of a commitment from another.
I think some of the suggestions above could be classed as 'No brainers'

Re: A future for Melksham Station - 1139/7993
Written by WyvusArconius on Wednesday, 3rd October 2007

Better signage... sounds like a good idea. Who would we have to knock on the door of to get that? There is soooo much potenial for Melksham station.. we really need to get the middle weight players (Melksham town council. wiltshire county council, our fine selves .. "Save the train" ) to really bang the drums about this. Is there a community group that could help?


Re: A future for Melksham Station - 1139/7998
Written by courgettelawn on Wednesday, 3rd October 2007

I agree with decent, elegant signage.  If I was cheeky I would suggest: "Melksham: Heart of Wiltshire and the TransWilts Express"

Re: A future for Melksham Station - 1139/8008
Written by WyvusArconius on Thursday, 4th October 2007

Hehehe .. thank you for that. A thought to make me smile on an otherwise gloomy day!

Seriously though, decent signage both in the town and at the station would be a major advantage. Is there any milage in persuading FGW to allow us to create a "transwilts" service poster to be displayed at the served stations. If we could promote "Transwilts" as a concept to be used as a marketing tool, it could work to our advantage. The idea of the "Transwilts" in a formal capacity would be a signifcant shift in perceptions of the service.

Thoughts anyone?


Re: A future for Melksham Station - 1139/8022
Written by courgettelawn on Thursday, 4th October 2007

Very much so! It may also spark the interest of South W Trains who run Salisbury station. I may also try and raise awareness at the local train enthusiast's pub, The Village, and see if any of them may take the baton too.

Re: A future for Melksham Station - 1139/8157
Written by WyvusArconius on Thursday, 11th October 2007

I was reading up on the FGW website earlier at their "adopt a station" page.  Am I right in thinking that there is already a group that look after melksham station? and are they part of the scheme? If not (or if so even) part of the scheme involves appropriate signage being put up e.g a Community board at the station and/or a Rail Info board in the town somewhere.
Thoughts anyone?


link to index of articles

Save the Train was the campaign to bring an approriate train service back to and through Melksham.

Most big contributors are still around writing at the Coffee shop forum where new members are very welcome.

The train has been saved - sort of - we have stepped back up from an unusable service to a poorish one but it's doing very well. We did that through setting up the TransWilts Community Rail Partnership. That fulfilled its early objectives; it has been taken over by local and regional government types who are now doing medium and long term work. The team from this forun can also be found at the Melksham Rail User Group (which was the Melksham Rail Development Group at the time these articles were written and we had no users.

We mustn't loose sight, though, that the train service remains poor and needs our community support in marketing and campaigning to keep it going in a positive direction ... and all the more so when we're expecting to find a different normallity once we get out of the Coronavirus Pandemic and head for zero carbon via the climate crisis. Yes, it's saved ... it's now a key community facility ... the need for enhancement and the strong and near-universal local support remain, and the rail industry and goverment remain slow to move and provide the enhancements even to level us up with other towns. Please support the Melksham Rail User Group - now very much in partnership rather than protest with the rail industry and local government, including GWR, TransWilts and unitary and town councils. And please use the trains and buses, and cycle and walk when you can.

-- Graham Ellis, (webmaster), February 2021

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