This is an archived page. Please see [here] if you're looking for the current "Save the Train" home page. Please see [here] for the TransWilts site.
Friday, 26th March 2010. Launch of TransWilts Community Rail Partnership. Bridge House, Trowbridge, from 19:30
An exciting new step forward to rejeuvenation of the line, its service and its use
BUSY, EXCELLENT MEETING ... see [here] for initial report
Train service remains dire - southbound from Swindon at 06:15 and 18:45,
northbound from Westbury at 07:02 and 19:35. Please
pledge your support if you
would like to see an increase to six trains a day - arriving Swindon at
07:48 08:53 11:50 14:50 17:36 and 20:19, returning at
06:18 09:02 12:02 15:02 17:55 and 18:45.
Keynote for 2010
Forum archive ...
Blog archive
Our top banners
All the pictures that we're using along the top of the pages
are ones that we (that's Lisa and I) have taken of the train
that runs Swindon - Chippenham - Melksham - Trowbridge -
Westbury and associated topics. This train service is
threatened with major curtailment
with just a morning and evening commuter service remaining. So
you might be amazed to read that only one of our pictures shows
the current commuter train - so these are people making journeys
that will no longer be available to them if the cuts go ahead.

The trackbed of the old railway line that used to run through
Devizes. This picture is taken at Seend, just south of Melksham and
shows where we're headed. Currently cuts of the majority of our
trains will mean that few people will find it practical to get from
and to Melksham on the odd train that remains. Losses will inevitably
rise and the next step will be closure.

Waiting for a weekend train at Melksham Station

Chippenham Station, Sunday 28th August 2005, Lunchtime train from Swindon to Southampton (to call at Melksham, Trowbridge, Westbury, Warminster, Salisbury and Romsey).

The sign at Melksham station is fading out and we sometimes
feel that our train service is going the same way - and that's
not through lack of caring or use.

Swindon Station on Saturday, 10th December 2005. The 13:35 from Melksham has just arrived and the Christmas Shoppers are heading out for the town. On Current plans, the very last day of Saturday service will be that same day next year.

The bay platform at the extreme end of Swindon station isn't the best lit
of places to take a photo, but I managed to grab this shot of the late
afternoon train arriving in from Westbury one saturday, with people
gathering to get on for its return journey to Southampton.

On board a Saturday train between Melksham and Swindon.

Melksham Station, Saturday, 10th December 2005

On board a Saturday train between Melksham and Swindon.

Swindon, Saturday 10th December 2005. The Melksham train has arrived at platform 3 for a change - it usually uses platform 2, but with the extra main platform that's now open there's no longer a capacity problem.

Melksham Station, Saturday, 10th December 2005

Before dawn on a November Saturday - the first train to Swindon pulls in to Melksham. Although
this service was suspended for 8 weeks and has only just been restored, there was a huddle of
people in both the waiting area and bike shelter and the train left with about a dozen people
on board.

Swindon Station, Sunday 28th August 2005, The train from Salisbury (via Westbury and Melksham) has just arrived, and is preparing to leave in a few minutes for Southampton (via Melksham, Westbury and Southampton).

Trowbridge, Tuesday, 30th August 2005. The Swindon to Southampton train paused to unload about a dozen passengers and pick up a some more before carrying on towards Westbury, Warminster, Salisbury, Romsey and Southampton

Melksham station, August 2005. Could this really be the middle of the day train? Yes, it was; some 30 people travelled on it to Melksham where about a dozen left the service and more joined.

Boarding the Swindon train on a miserable Saturday morning in November.

Melksham Station, Saturday, 10th December 2005

When there are engineering works on the line (or on other lines,
and our is being used for the diversion of expresses), we get bus
substitution. Here's a busy Sunday scene with the afternoon service
at Melksham Station ... also proving that buses can make it to the
station is the desire is there.

Melksham Station, October 2005. It gets busier rather than quiter;
just look how many heads are popping out behind the umbrella

Melksham Station, middle of a weekday in October 2005. The station car
park is small ... and full.

From Melksham, you can get excellent connections at certain times
of day to London and Reading, and to Bath and Bristol. Picture is
of Bristol station.

Melksham Town Centre, September 2005. There's already more than
enough traffic to cause conjestion in Melksham, in Chippenham ,and
on the notorious A350 between them. That's why more and more people
have been using the train when they can.

Wiltshire is a county with the great open spaces of the Marlborough
downs and Salisbury plain which attract so many tourists. The transWilts
railway service from Swindon to Salisbury provides the only North-South
rail link, and is twice as fast as using the bus for the same journey.
Picture is of the Sanctuary, near Avebury.

The decision to slash our train service, telling us that it's little
used, was made by civil servants at the SRA and now at the DfT. You'll
find there names elsewhere on this site if you want to write to them.
I've resisted the temptation to protest the case outside parliament,
as seen in this picture, through I think the decision is a scandal
perpetrated by peoplw who've probably never even travelled on the line
to see for themselves.
Further Information:
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