An appropriate TransWilts Train service ...

"I support the return of a more appropriate train service linking the five largest population centres in Wiltshire, as shown in (or similar to) draft timetables from December 2008" (show draft)

This was a two month campaign from 2nd April to 31st May 2008. We provide statistics extracted from the other data entered (see base of right hand column).THANK YOU to everyone who contributes - we failed to get the service at December 2008, but made a good case and are working on removing the one bottleneck for December 2009.

Signed by:
Philip Alford
Desna Allen
Jordan Allen
James Alsop
Tony Ambrose
Michael Amos
Derek Anderson
Elizabeth Andrews
Gill Anlezark
Mark Annand
Jim Avery
George Bailey
Virginia Bainbridge
Alan Baines
Claire Bainton
David Baker
Helen Baldwin
Alistair Banks
Jon Banks
Mr P. Barber
Tony Barber
Linda Barlow
Roger Barnes
Sarah Barton
Christopher Bastian
Theron Bates
Richard Beattie
Nigel Bergin
Richard Bickford
Brendan Biggs
Nick Blakemore
Graham Booth
Julie Boston
John Bowley
Michael G Boyce
Paul Brann
Lorna Breslin
SIon Bretton
Lesley Brooker-Smith
Cllr Dennis Brown
Allison Bucknell
Sharon Bull
Michael Burden
Tim Burge
Chris Burke
Jill Burke
Richard Burke
Sue Burns
Sandy Burton
Laurence Cable
Tom Cairns
Trevor Carbin
Sarah Cardy
Geoffrey Carr
Jacqueline Carter
Roger Catte
Jacqui Cawston
Roy Chaplin
Pat Chapman
Terry Chivers
Cllr. Ernie Clark
Amanda Clarke
Sue Clarke
Andy Clayton
Mary Jarvis - Clerk
Gavin Cliffe
Howard Cole
Stanford Cole
Councillor Patrick Coleman
Martin Coles
Paul Collins
Mark Connolly
Derek Coop
Ros Cooper
Pete Cosslett
Mr Christopher da Costa
Faye Cottrell
Nick Court
Peter Court
Sylvie Court
Sandra Cox
Jane Cragg-Barber
Chris Crosby
Cllr Ian Curr
Cllr Brian Dalton
Christine Dance
Cllr Sinead Darker
Lynda Davey
Leah Davies
Melvin Davis
Cllr. Peter R. Davis
Brian De'ath
Brian De'ath
Robert Dickenson
Cllr Michael Dickinson
Ashley Diiorio
Viv Dipper
Graham Ditte
Cllr Ian M Dobie
Kevin Dobson
Mrs Louise Dodge
Paul Doman
Mike Duffy
Ian Dunn
Ellie Durston
Mary Durston
Peter Durston
Dawn Edwards
Steven Element
Chris Ellis
Graham Ellis
Lisa Ellis
Wilfred Emmanuel-Jones
john English
David Entwistle
Ann-Marie Escott
John Escott
Gareth Evans
Mike Evemy
Cllr Sue Ezra
Richard Fairhurst
Mr Brendan Fenlon
Carl Ferguson
Joyce Field
Nick Field
Dave Fincher
Nigel Fitzgerald
Lee Fletcher
Samantha Fletcher
Simon Folkes
Brian Ford
Glyn Ford MEP
Tim Freeborn
Michael Gane
Stuart Gascoigne
Sue Gibson
Jim Gillain
David Glaholm
John Charles Glover
Diane Goddard
Elaine Godley
Betuş Goktas
Ian Goldsmith
Colin Goodhind
Tehmina Goskar
Tom Goskar
Matthew Gracie
Dr Claire Graves
Cllr Josephine Green
Cllr Howard Greenman
Andrew Griffin
Cllr Mark Griffiths
Ruth Grundy
Matthew Grylls
Kerri Gullis
Lyn Gullis
Marieke Guy
David Habershon
J E Hadlow
R K J Hadlow
Brigadier Robert Hall
Paul Hamel
Duncan Hames
John Hamley
Chris Hankin
Rosemary Harriott
Nigel Harris
Colin Harrison
Noel Harrison
Jennie Hartless
Peter Hatvany
Richard Havergal
R K Hayden
Richard heath
Cllr Dale Heenan
Peter Henden
Carol Hillier
Louis Hoareau
Cat Hobbs
Chris Holden
Jesse Holloway
Helen holly
Nigel Holman
Angela Holmes
Sarah Holmes
Dr. Peter Houston
Simon Howarth
Annette Hucknall
Richard Hucknall
Cllr Keith Humphries
Anne Hutchinson
Vanessa Hyde
Kathy Iles
Christopher Irwin
Chris Isaac
Dr Caroline Jackson MEP
Chris Jager
Stella jales
Jana James
John James
Gary Jardine
Maureen Jardine
Deborah Joffe
Richard Johnstone
Adam Jones
Penny Jones
Tudor Jones
Vincent Jones
Helen Jordan
Nicky Jupp
Garry Keenor
Julia Kemp
Ian Kent-Robinson
Cllr Nicholas Keyworth
Cllr Joan Kinder
Anji King
Marcus Kittridge
Roger Knapman MEP
Angela Ladd
Paul Langham
Lexa Laurance
Jacqui Lay
Bob Lee
Doug Lee
Toby Lewis
Henrietta Leyser
Jeff Ligo
Christina Line
Greg Lloyd
Wendy Lloyd
Michael Lodge
Harold Lutener
Andrew Macdonald
Ruth Mackey
Jack Malcolm
Cllr Peter Mallinson
David Mann
Chris Marshall
Jean Marshall
julie Marshall
O Marshall
Richard Matters
Alan Matthews
Pete Matthews
Jonathan Maxwell
Martin Mcbrine
Andy McKenzie
Cllr Dr Helena McKeown
Philip C. E. McMullen
Heather McMullen
Tom McMullen
Terry Mechan
S Meech
Graham Watson MEP
Emma Miles
Valerie Miller
FRaser Mills
Lyn Mills
Marilyn Mills
Mike Mills
Hamayun Minhas
Richard MIstlin
Derique Montaut
Philip Moody
Theresa Morrison
Malcolm Mortimer
Marion Mortimer
Cllr Michael Mounde
Linda Mugridge
Mike Neighbour
Mike Newman
Graham Newton
Pippa Nicholas-Newell
Anthony J Nicklin
Conner Nolan
Marianne O'Doherty
Susan O'Sullivan
Vic Oakman
Lloyd Ocampo
Cllr Steve Oldrieve
Kerry-Ann Oliver
Councillor Jeff Osborn
Kirsty Paget
Cllr Stan Pajak
Martha Parry
Andy Parsons
Joe Patrick
Michael & Glenys Pearce
Jane Pearce
Ian Perrygrove
Jackie Peters
Cara Petty
Lorraine Petty
Ian Phillips
Nina Phillips
Andie Pier
Nicki Pittman
Ruth Popplestone
Mrs Natasha Potter
Andrew Powis
Judith Prain
Barry John Preece
Pippa Price
Horace Prickett
Jo Pridmore
Bob Pulleyblank
Richard Putley
Nick Radford
Caroline Ramsey
Adrian Read
Jason Readshaw
Barbara Reaves
Alice Rebbeck
Veronica and Richard Reed
Nicholas Reid
Cllr David Renard
Malcolm Rennie
Amanda Richards
Ridout, Cllr Mrs P J
Jason Roberts
John Roberts
Adrian Robinson
Dale Robinson
Malcolm ROSIER
Hugh Ross
Judith Rossall
Pam Rouquette
Douglas Rowlinson
Debbie Ruddle
Niamh Ryan
Shaun Sallis
Cllr Paul Sample JP
Ray Sanderson
Cllr Mike Sankey ESLog MILT
Alex Schlesinger
Deborah Schofield
Mark Scott
Melo Scott
Nigel Scott
(Councillor) John Scragg
Philip Seager
Robert Shea-Simonds
Gary Sherwood
Nigel Shoosmith
I Shortman
Judy Shutt
Christine Sivier
Peter Sivier
James Skinner
Barry Slip
David Smith
Glenn Smith
Cllr Louise Smith
Pauline Smith
Ian R Smith
Richard Snowdon
Roger Southard
Ina de Souza
Paul Statham
Meirion Steele
Cllr.sarahjane Still
Sue Stockley
Trevor Stone
Chris Street
Julie Swabey
F Jane Syckelmoore
Stephen Sykes
Richard Symonds
Andrew Tattersall
Ann Taylor
John Taylor
Mike Taylor
Marc S Taylor
Ken Teal
Liane Kersey Thakur
Catherine Thomas
Nick Thomas-Symonds
Malcolm Thomson
Kathleen Thornley
Cllr Tony Thorpe
Cllr Justin Tomlinson
R L Tonge
Claire Travers
Andy Tyrer
Alex Vardon
Sandra Varney
Alan Verity
Brian Wade
M Wade
Cllr Steve Wakefield
Ian Walker
C M Walker
J Walters
J Warin
Chris Warren
Debbie Warren
Janet Warren
Brian Warwick
Roger Watkins
Eddy Watts
Ms Andrea Weaver
Terri Welch
Leigh Wells
caroline West
Julien Weston
Ivan Wheaton
Bob Wheeler
Madeleine Wheeler
Roy While
Peter White
Richard White
Christopher Wickings
Daniel Wickings
Stephen Wickings
Roz Wilde
Shaun Wilkins
Lesley Wilkinson
William Wilkinson
Aled Williams
Bronwyn Williams
Kirstie Williams
Miles Williams
Paul Williams
Dr F Willis
Margaret Willmot
Martin Wiltshire
Pam Wiltshire
Richard Wiltshire
Richard Wiltshire
Jo Winslow
Roger Witt
Dr Adrian Wolstenholme
Richard Wood
Clive Woodland
Ben Wright
Sue Wright
Cllr Phil Young
Plus 68 with names withheld from public display
A total of 505 names.
Salisbury - Warminster - Dilton Marsh - Westbury - Trowbridge - Melksham - Chippenham - Swindon

Want to support? 2008 Petition closed but 2009 pledge open

CURRENT SERVICE - twice a day
Swindon depart 06:18 06:15 and 18:45
Swindon arrive 07:48 and 20:19

PROPOSED SERVICE - six times a day
Swindon d: 06:18 09:02 12:02 15:02 17:55 18:45
Swindon a: 07:48 08:53 11:50 14:50 17:36 20:19

This is a practical service improvement that can be provided if the profile is raised high enough in the next 2 months, and YOU can help.

Bus - Trowbridge to Swindon - 95 minutes.
Car - Trowbridge to Swindon - 52 minutes (AA)
Train - Trowbridge to Swindon - 35 minutes.

Bus - Chippenham to Salisbury - over 120 minutes.
Car - Chippenham to Salisbury - 64 minutes (AA)
Train - Chippenham to Salisbury - 54 minutes.

Greener too! (See Transport Direct)
Comparative CO2 emissions - Trowbridge to Swindon
Car 7.4 - 14.9kg, Coach 5.1 kg, Train 3.9kg.

Want to Learn More?

* About the TransWilts Line
* What is the current train service?
* Why is an improvement needed?
* Timeline to an improved service

* For West Wilts to Chippenham and Swindon passengers
* For travellers from Frome?
* From Salisbury to West Wilts, Chippenham and Swindon
* For West Wilts to Bath passengers
* For customers travelling to or from Melksham

* How does this site work?
* Who is behind this site?
* What about privacy?

* Discussion Forum - All Wiltshire (and FGW) Services
* Discussion Forum - TransWilts Services

What a difference a train made

Rush hour on the "TransWilts" when there are no trains

Same station, same time of day, but there was a train running

Some Statistics

80% of our respondents live in Wiltshire
and a further 14% are from nearby counties

Around 120,000 journeys were made on the line in the last full year prior to the services being slashed back (Dec '06)

85 signatories are elected representatives or standing for office (this is assessed by the individual and the real figure is higher)

163 signatories have expressed a willingness to email key decision makers via our web site and 342 did not choose that option

Some more detail from our respondents ...

How often do you travel in Wiltshire?
• 'Most days' - 219
• 'from time to time' - 118
• 'Most weeks' - 97
• 'only occasionally' - 63
• 'Rather not say' - 5
• 'never' - 3

Where do you live?
• Melksham Area - 23.8%
• in nearby counties - 13.7%
• Chippenham Area - 11.7%
• Trowbridge Area - 10.7%
• Salisbury Area - 9.1%
• Swindon Area - 8.5%
• further afield in the UK - 4.4%
• Westbury Area - 4.4%
• Warminster Area - 4.2%
• Devizes Area - 2.6%
• Elsewhere in Wiltshire - 2.2%
• Frome area - 2.0%
• Dilton Marsh Area - 2.0%
• Outside the UK - 0.6%
• Rather not say - 0.4%

Please sign up if you have not yet done so!
The campaign for an appropriate service is supported by many groups including West Wiltshire Rail Users Group, Melksham Railway Development Group, Campaign Against New Beeching Report, TravelWatch SouthWest, More Train Less Strain, Friends of Suburban Bristol Railways, Railfuture, Severn Tunnel Action Group, Campaign for Better Transport, Save the Train, The First Great Western Coffeeshop and others. Over 1700 people signed a prime minister's petition on the subject last year for us. We are in good contact with First Great Western, Wiltshire County Council, the Department for Transport, Network Rail, local MPs and candidates, Local District, Town and Parish Councils, Chambers of Commerce, Federation of Small Businesses, and many others to ensure that this practical option is adopted with everyone's agreement

This Website is operated by the Save the Train Campaign
email - • phone - 01225 708225 • post - 404, The Spa, Melksham SN12 6QL